Sundays are a great time to visit us – in person or online. We gather every Sunday at 10 AM EST in our beautiful, light-filled sanctuary for inspiration, reflection and connection.
Our worship service lasts about an hour and typically includes music, readings, a time for prayer and meditation, and a sermon. Our wide-ranging topics and music make each service unique.
If you’re visiting us in person, we suggest that you enter the sanctuary through the main doors facing Fern Street. Let our greeters know that you’re visiting so we can welcome you and offer more information about our church. We encourage you to sign our visitor book and make a name tag so our Welcome Team will know you’re here.
Among our pews you will see a wide range of attire from sport coats and dresses to casual shirts and jeans.
Childcare is available every Sunday for babies and toddlers. Older children attend church school classes from September through May. They begin their morning in the Sanctuary and leave for their classrooms after approximately 15 minutes. Children are always welcome to stay with their families in the sanctuary, if that works better on any given Sunday. For more information, contact the religious education team prior to your first visit.
Join us in Fiske Hall for our lively Fellowship Hour for refreshments and conversation. Ask for a member of our Welcome Team or feel free to mingle – we’re a friendly, welcoming group!
We also host an informal First Sunday Visitors’ Coffee for visitors who are interested in learning more about the church. Join us in the parlor after the service.
Ask anyone with a name tag to point you in the right direction!
Our building is equipped with an elevator and is wheelchair accessible. Enter through our glass entryway on the left (east) side of the building and turn right. An elevator is located in the stairwell. Take the elevator to the main floor and follow the signs to the sanctuary.
A wheelchair-accessible restroom is located behind the Sanctuary at the far-right end of the hallway. Another accessible restroom is located across from Fiske Hall. A small restroom is in the coatroom in the front lobby of the church, but it is not wheelchair accessible.
Assistive Listening Devices available from our worship ushers in the Sanctuary.
Services can be heard in the Parlor if the Sanctuary is not the best choice for you or your family.
We’re located in a residential neighborhood just north of West Hartford Center:
The Universalist Church of West Hartford, 433 Fern Street, West Hartford, CT 06107
Parking is available in the rear of the building and on nearby residential streets. For a street map and public transit information, click here.
Our worship services are live-streamed on YouTube every Sunday at 10 AM EST. Click the button above to view a live service or to browse previously recorded services.
If you have any trouble getting connected, send us an email or call 860-233-3669. We’re not available on Sundays but we’ll reply during our regular office hours so you’ll be ready to connect next time.