Meet our Minister

Rev. Dr. Adam Robersmith
Rev. Dr. Adam Robersmith

A minister, spiritual director, artist, and educator, the Rev. Dr. Adam Robersmith leads our congregation. Raised with a Universalist theology by Lutheran parents, he now draws on many sources of wisdom as a Unitarian Universalist, including thewestern contemplative tradition, Taoism, the transcendentalists, feminism & womanism, earth-centered traditions, and Jewish and Christian texts. Prior to the Universalist Church, he served the Second Unitarian Church of Chicago and other Unitarian Universalist congregations in Illinois and Arizona. In addition to leading our congregation as senior minister, Rev. Adam also supports the work of ministerial and spiritual formation within and beyond Unitarian Universalism. 

Rev. Adam is a lifelong scholar, holding a Bachelor of Science from Cornell University, a Master of Divinity from Starr King School for the Ministry, a Doctor of Ministry from Chicago Theological Seminary, and a PhD from Fielding Graduate University. His undergraduate studies focused on Biology (Neurobiology, Behavior, and Ecology) as well as Myth, Ritual, and Literature. He was the St. Lawrence Fellow for the study of Universalist History in seminary and studied the process of spiritual formation for his D.Min. His PhD research explored public intimacy: how people display a genuine self to others as paid work. He also holds certificates in Spiritual Direction and Permaculture Design and teaches at Meadville Lombard Theological School as an adjunct professor.

In addition, he has performed, created, and taught in various media with over 40 years of arts and performance experience. He is an artist who most often works in fiber as a spinner, weaver, and knitter; a musician who plays harp, bodhran, and sings; and a writer of poetry, fiction, and spiritually focused non-fiction. When he is not actively tending his garden in the woods of Connecticut, he can often be found enjoying it and the wilder spaces beyond with his partner of nearly 30 years, Don.

To reach Rev. Adam: Click here to send an email or call 860-233-3669.