Beginning in November 2019, we began an experiment as a congregation: each month, we share half the Sunday offering (whether made as cash, check, or online giving) with an organization that lives out our values in the world. We are glad to support others doing good in the world beyond what we can do ourselves. You can join us in supporting these organizations through your giving to our offering on Sunday mornings or by contributing directly.
Re-Center: Race & Equality Education
CT Women’s Education and Legal fund
Mothers United Against Violence
Volunteers in Psychotherapy
hawkwing: Supporting the Cheyenne River Lakota Sioux Tribe
Moral Monday CT: Supporting the oppressed and marginalized
Noah Webster House for Witness Stones Projects
Campaign Zero: Ending Police Violence
The Center for Common Ground: Voter Suppression Awareness
Sanchez School: School Supplies and PPE equipment
Middle Collegiate Church in New York COVID Relief
Journey Home
Mary’s Place
Hartford Bags of Love
Hartford’s Camp Courant
Literacy Volunteers of Central CT
Sheff Movement Coalition
Hartford Gay and Lesbian Health Collective
RIP Medical Debt
Operation Fuel
Greater Hartford Interfaith Action Alliance (GHIAA)
Prudence Crandall Center
UUSC Ukraine Emergency Fund
CT Foodshare – Walk Against Hunger
Sandy Hook Promise